Hi, welcome to our home page. We've mostly been using it as a way to share pictures with family and friends. Below are a few links to various sets of pictures, some of them better organized than others.

Engagement party with friends
Pumpkin carving party with friends
cat pictures
Visit with my brother and sister-in-law(James and Julie Brown) in San Antonio
Above is mostly pictures of Natural Bridge Caverns
Pumpkin carving party with friends
Engagement photo shoot
Wedding at Ardenwood Historical Farm
2003 - We got a digital camera this year - more pictures
1st visit with nephew Charles David Hopf
movies from above
Ultrasound pictures and Kristen's profile from April 4
Mom's graduation from Medical School
Short film clip of Mom receiving diploma
Visit with Katelin and Tyler in Dallas airport May 11th
Jay Judkowitz and Sally Lee's baby shower
Ultrasound from May 27th
San Rafael Italian Street Painting Festival from June 14th
Nursery in progress pictures
Kristen's lunch with longtime friends Mary and Tina(and Mary's baby Rachel)
Marriage of Kristen's friend Sylvia to Michel Roget
Pictures of the bris of Ethan Lee Judkowitz, son of our friends Jay and Sally
Kristen in the nursery at 34 weeks - July 19th
Baby shower at work and pictures of gifts in the nursery
Baby Kenneth Logan Brown during first two days of life - August 27th & 28th
Baby Kenneth Logan Brown on his trip home from the hospital - August 29th
Baby Kenneth Logan Brown during his first two weeks, including visit from Steve's parents and first encounter with Jay and Sally's baby, Ethan.
Weekend visit by Kristen's relatives - parents, brother Kyle and his family, and Aunt Genna and Uncle Jake Panzarella.
Various pictures of Kenneth from four to six weeks old.
First hiking outing with Jay Judkowitz and baby Ethan at Almaden Quicksilver park.
Kenneth dressed up for Sunday church services the Sunday before halloween
First halloween for baby Kenneth, dressed up as mozilla(Netscape/Mosaic mascot).
He won first prize for cutest!!!
Grandpa Brown(Steve's dad) visits the weekend before Thanksgiving
Pictures from Thanksgiving week - posing for Christmas photos, having fun with Uncle Donald, and pictures from open house/holiday party at Andy & Michelle's.
Breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Brown and first visit with Santa
Pictures from baptism/christening day(Probably add more from other sources later.
Pictures from baby Kenneth's earliest experiences with real food.
Pictures from living nativity at Willow Glen Methodist church.
2004 - Another year already...
First birthday party of Nitin Kumar(Ashok and Parul's son)
various movies
Valentine's day weekend at Grandma Mary's
Grandpa Brown(Steve's father) visits in February.
Some change table pictures.
Visit to San Antonio Botanical Gardens with James and Julie.
Visit with various relatives in Texas.
Various pictures from April, including Easter.
Visit from Grandpa Brown at the end of April.
Picnic with Jay and Ethan.
Arizona Trip, including Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Sedona, etc.
Lunch at Amarin Thai on July 28th(with Markus Baur and friends....)
Kenneth on his first birthday
Kenneth Brown's retirement party in Wyoming.
Visit to Monterey, CA including the aquarium and the local playground - Dennis the Menace park(designed by the cartoonist responsible for the character).
James and Julie have their first baby, a son - Benjamin.
Steve gets his first visit with Baby Benjamin.
Assorted pictures from the first few months of the year.
Assorted pictures from March through June.
A day at Happy Hollow Park/Zoo in June.
A day at the beach with Grandma Mary.
Assorted pictures from June including Grandpa Ken and Grandma Barbara's visit.
A day at Bonfante Gardens in June.
July 4th weekend - including Brad & Laurie's wedding, July 4th parade in Capitola, and picnic with Jeff & Anjani.
Visit to Spokane to see Bonnie and Grandpa Tim(Kristen's father). This included little Ken riding on a horse, a tractor, and a buggy.
Day out with Thomas the Tank Engine.
Gilroy Garlic Festival
Assorted Shots
Visit from Hopf clan - Kyle and Kathleen plus their kids Charlie and Ryan(little Ken's cousins).
Ken's birthday.
Assorted August thru October shots.
baby Julian Christopher Brown is born.
December pictures - Julian's christening, Christmas
January pictures - Exploratoreum, Happy Hollow, etc.
February pictures - Wildcat Railroad at Vasona Park, Mother Power, Discovery Museum, Ken on bike
March pictures - Vasona Park, train museum with Jay and Ethan.
April pictures - Easter Egg fun, visits from grandparents and Uncle Donald
May pictures - Monterey Bay Aquarium, Ken helps on train table, beach day.
June pictures - Father's Day weekend at California Railroad Museum, Classic Chevy Show, & Jamestown 1899
July pictures - Happy Hollow Park, Vasona Park, Ken's first haircut, beach day and "Day out with Thomas".
August pictures - Hot Wheels fun, Assorted shots, plus Ken's Birthday
September pictures - Visit to Arizona - time with cousins, Grand Canyon railway; Niles Canyon Railway
October pictures - Halloween
November pictures - Visit from James, Julian's birthday
December pictures - Christmas in Park, etc.
January pictures - pre-school hibernation party, Discovery Museum, skating lessons, Monterey Bay Aquarium
March pictures - Ken helps his father build a shed, St. Patrick's Day(aka Kristen's Birthday) - Roaring Camp & Big Trees Railroad
April pictures - Easter, hair cuts, beach day, trip to Arizona for Kristen's cousin's wedding(while in Phoenix, Ken and his father get to ride a camel!)
May pictures - Last day of preschool before summer, Priya's birthday, chalk art at Santana Row
June pictures - Sock Hop, visit from Grandma Barbara & Grandpa Ken, visit to Sacramento(Father's day and five year wedding anniversary), Vacation Bible School.
April trip to Okinawa to visit James, Julie and Benjamin.
July trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingtom in Vallejo, CA.
Boys get their training wheels off.
Little Ken playing guitar.
ken's page
ken ken ken
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